The design of KMI is to unwind the strain patterns residing in your body’s locomotors system, restoring it to its natural balance, alignment, length, and ease. Common strain patterns come about from inefficient movement habits, and our body’s response to poorly designed cars, desks, telephones, and airplanes, etc. Individual strain patterns can come from the invasions of injury or surgery or birth, and from our body’s response to traumatic episodes. As well, gestures can become a habit, which becomes a posture and eventually lodges in our structure. KMI is designed to unwind this process and reduce structural stress. The method depends on a unique property of the body’s connective tissue network.
The basic KMI 12 series creates the foundation and adaptability to change. It guides the client session by session to a higher level of body awareness and healthy states, naturally healing one's self.
If you are new to KMI Structural Integration or have never done a Structural session, we strongly recommend doing the basic 12 session series.
As Katherine is a Registered Massage Therapist, you may claim your sessions in your extended medical plan. If you are interested in a Massage Therapy session. Please contact me directly to discuss your situation.
Call or email me for more information or book online at
60 min KMI $130
75 min Massage Therapy $130
60 min Massage Therapy $115
45 min Massage Therapy $95
* All prices include GST